NYCbirds:: Experimental Web Bird Finder

This version: sorted by ABA code. See sorted by species order How this works: I look for matches between a known set of bird names (AOU list) with the short-term archives of bird mailing lists in This does not guarantee that any message is a report of a bird sighting, nor that it is local to the list, so additional confirmation is required.

Updated on: Sat Nov 11 03:01:26 EST 2017

Species with ABA Code 6

California Condor  (ABA 6)

Ivory-billed Woodpecker  (ABA 6)

Species with ABA Code 5

Lesser White-fronted Goose  (ABA 5)

Barnacle Goose  (ABA 5)

Jabiru  (ABA 5)

Zenaida Dove  (ABA 5)

Bahama Woodstar  (ABA 5)

Bumblebee Hummingbird  (ABA 5)

Tufted Flycatcher  (ABA 5)

Wood Warbler  (ABA 5)

Species with ABA Code 4

Pink-footed Goose  (ABA 4)

Falcated Duck  (ABA 4)

Red-tailed Tropicbird  (ABA 4)

Blue-footed Booby  (ABA 4)

Little Egret  (ABA 4)

Eurasian Kestrel  (ABA 4)

Aplomado Falcon  (ABA 4)

Common Crane  (ABA 4)

Black-tailed Gull  (ABA 4)

Long-billed Murrelet  (ABA 4)

Oriental Cuckoo  (ABA 4)

Buff-collared Nightjar  (ABA 4)

Fork-tailed Swift  (ABA 4)

Plain-capped Starthroat  (ABA 4)

Fork-tailed Flycatcher  (ABA 4)

Thick-billed Vireo  (ABA 4)

Sky Lark  (ABA 4)

Common House-Martin  (ABA 4)

Lanceolated Warbler  (ABA 4)

Black-capped Gnatcatcher  (ABA 4)

Red-flanked Bluetail  (ABA 4)

Stonechat  (ABA 4)

Dusky Thrush  (ABA 4)

Fieldfare  (ABA 4)

Redwing  (ABA 4)

Bahama Mockingbird  (ABA 4)

Siberian Accentor  (ABA 4)

Gray Wagtail  (ABA 4)

Pechora Pipit  (ABA 4)

Crescent-chested Warbler  (ABA 4)

Gray-crowned Yellowthroat  (ABA 4)

Slate-throated Redstart  (ABA 4)

Rufous-capped Warbler  (ABA 4)

Little Bunting  (ABA 4)

Blue Bunting  (ABA 4)

Streak-backed Oriole  (ABA 4)

Common Rosefinch  (ABA 4)

Eurasian Bullfinch  (ABA 4)

Hawfinch  (ABA 4)

Species with ABA Code 3

Bean Goose  (ABA 3)

Whooper Swan  (ABA 3)

Muscovy Duck  (ABA 3)

Eurasian Wigeon  (ABA 3)

Garganey  (ABA 3)

Common Pochard  (ABA 3)

Tufted Duck  (ABA 3)

Smew  (ABA 3)

Short-tailed Albatross  (ABA 3)

Murphy's Petrel  (ABA 3)

Mottled Petrel  (ABA 3)

Flesh-footed Shearwater  (ABA 3)

Masked Booby  (ABA 3)

Brown Booby  (ABA 3)

Hook-billed Kite  (ABA 3)

Terek Sandpiper  (ABA 3)

Common Sandpiper  (ABA 3)

Gray-tailed Tattler  (ABA 3)

Common Greenshank  (ABA 3)

Black-tailed Godwit  (ABA 3)

Red-necked Stint  (ABA 3)

Temminck's Stint  (ABA 3)

Long-toed Stint  (ABA 3)

Curlew Sandpiper  (ABA 3)

Ruff  (ABA 3)

Little Gull  (ABA 3)

Black-headed Gull  (ABA 3)

Lesser Black-backed Gull  (ABA 3)

Slaty-backed Gull  (ABA 3)

Ross's Gull  (ABA 3)

Ivory Gull  (ABA 3)

Ruddy Ground-Dove  (ABA 3)

Common Cuckoo  (ABA 3)

Smooth-billed Ani  (ABA 3)

Yellow-green Vireo  (ABA 3)

Siberian Rubythroat  (ABA 3)

Eyebrowed Thrush  (ABA 3)

Rufous-backed Robin  (ABA 3)

Tropical Parula  (ABA 3)

Kirtland's Warbler  (ABA 3)

Rustic Bunting  (ABA 3)

Brambling  (ABA 3)

Species with ABA Code 2

Emperor Goose  (ABA 2)

Steller's Eider  (ABA 2)

Spectacled Eider  (ABA 2)

Plain Chachalaca  (ABA 2)

Chukar  (ABA 2)

Gray Partridge  (ABA 2)

Gunnison Sage-Grouse  (ABA 2)

Spruce Grouse  (ABA 2)

White-tailed Ptarmigan  (ABA 2)

Dusky Grouse  (ABA 2)

Sooty Grouse  (ABA 2)

Sharp-tailed Grouse  (ABA 2)

Greater Prairie-Chicken  (ABA 2)

Montezuma Quail  (ABA 2)

Arctic Loon  (ABA 2)

Yellow-billed Loon  (ABA 2)

Laysan Albatross  (ABA 2)

Black-capped Petrel  (ABA 2)

Buller's Shearwater  (ABA 2)

Short-tailed Shearwater  (ABA 2)

Black-vented Shearwater  (ABA 2)

Ashy Storm-Petrel  (ABA 2)

Snail Kite  (ABA 2)

Common Black-Hawk  (ABA 2)

Gray Hawk  (ABA 2)

Short-tailed Hawk  (ABA 2)

White-tailed Hawk  (ABA 2)

Zone-tailed Hawk  (ABA 2)

Gyrfalcon  (ABA 2)

Limpkin  (ABA 2)

Whooping Crane  (ABA 2)

Pacific Golden-Plover  (ABA 2)

Common Ringed Plover  (ABA 2)

Piping Plover  (ABA 2)

Mountain Plover  (ABA 2)

Wood Sandpiper  (ABA 2)

Bar-tailed Godwit  (ABA 2)

Rock Sandpiper  (ABA 2)

Thayer's Gull  (ABA 2)

Iceland Gull  (ABA 2)

Yellow-footed Gull  (ABA 2)

Red-legged Kittiwake  (ABA 2)

Sooty Tern  (ABA 2)

Bridled Tern  (ABA 2)

Aleutian Tern  (ABA 2)

Dovekie  (ABA 2)

Ancient Murrelet  (ABA 2)

Least Auklet  (ABA 2)

Crested Auklet  (ABA 2)

White-tipped Dove  (ABA 2)

Monk Parakeet  (ABA 2)

Mangrove Cuckoo  (ABA 2)

Groove-billed Ani  (ABA 2)

Flammulated Owl  (ABA 2)

Whiskered Screech-Owl  (ABA 2)

Snowy Owl  (ABA 2)

Northern Hawk Owl  (ABA 2)

Northern Pygmy-Owl  (ABA 2)

Elf Owl  (ABA 2)

Spotted Owl  (ABA 2)

Great Gray Owl  (ABA 2)

Long-eared Owl  (ABA 2)

Short-eared Owl  (ABA 2)

Boreal Owl  (ABA 2)

Northern Saw-whet Owl  (ABA 2)

Black Swift  (ABA 2)

Broad-billed Hummingbird  (ABA 2)

Buff-bellied Hummingbird  (ABA 2)

Magnificent Hummingbird  (ABA 2)

Lucifer Hummingbird  (ABA 2)

Ringed Kingfisher  (ABA 2)

Green Kingfisher  (ABA 2)

Arizona Woodpecker  (ABA 2)

Red-cockaded Woodpecker  (ABA 2)

American Three-toed Woodpecker  (ABA 2)

Black-backed Woodpecker  (ABA 2)

Greater Pewee  (ABA 2)

Buff-breasted Flycatcher  (ABA 2)

Dusky-capped Flycatcher  (ABA 2)

Great Kiskadee  (ABA 2)

Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher  (ABA 2)

Tropical Kingbird  (ABA 2)

Couch's Kingbird  (ABA 2)

Thick-billed Kingbird  (ABA 2)

Gray Kingbird  (ABA 2)

Black-capped Vireo  (ABA 2)

Black-whiskered Vireo  (ABA 2)

Green Jay  (ABA 2)

Island Scrub-Jay  (ABA 2)

Mexican Jay  (ABA 2)

Yellow-billed Magpie  (ABA 2)

Bridled Titmouse  (ABA 2)

Red-whiskered Bulbul  (ABA 2)

Arctic Warbler  (ABA 2)

Bluethroat  (ABA 2)

Northern Wheatear  (ABA 2)

Bicknell's Thrush  (ABA 2)

Long-billed Thrasher  (ABA 2)

Bendire's Thrasher  (ABA 2)

Crissal Thrasher  (ABA 2)

Le Conte's Thrasher  (ABA 2)

White Wagtail  (ABA 2)

Sprague's Pipit  (ABA 2)

Olive Warbler  (ABA 2)

Golden-winged Warbler  (ABA 2)

Golden-cheeked Warbler  (ABA 2)

Swainson's Warbler  (ABA 2)

Connecticut Warbler  (ABA 2)

Red-faced Warbler  (ABA 2)

Painted Redstart  (ABA 2)

Olive Sparrow  (ABA 2)

Bachman's Sparrow  (ABA 2)

Baird's Sparrow  (ABA 2)

Henslow's Sparrow  (ABA 2)

Yellow-eyed Junco  (ABA 2)

McCown's Longspur  (ABA 2)

Smith's Longspur  (ABA 2)

Varied Bunting  (ABA 2)

Tricolored Blackbird  (ABA 2)

Spot-breasted Oriole  (ABA 2)

Altamira Oriole  (ABA 2)

Audubon's Oriole  (ABA 2)

Black Rosy-Finch  (ABA 2)

Brown-capped Rosy-Finch  (ABA 2)

White-winged Crossbill  (ABA 2)

Hoary Redpoll  (ABA 2)

Lawrence's Goldfinch  (ABA 2)

Eurasian Tree Sparrow  (ABA 2)

Species with ABA Code 1

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  (ABA 1)

Greater White-fronted Goose  (ABA 1)

Snow Goose  (ABA 1)

Ross's Goose  (ABA 1)

Brant  (ABA 1)

Canada Goose  (ABA 1)

Mute Swan  (ABA 1)

Trumpeter Swan  (ABA 1)

Tundra Swan  (ABA 1)

Wood Duck  (ABA 1)

Gadwall  (ABA 1)

American Wigeon  (ABA 1)

American Black Duck  (ABA 1)

Mallard  (ABA 1)

Mottled Duck  (ABA 1)

Blue-winged Teal  (ABA 1)

Cinnamon Teal  (ABA 1)

Northern Shoveler  (ABA 1)

Northern Pintail  (ABA 1)

Green-winged Teal  (ABA 1)

Canvasback  (ABA 1)

Redhead  (ABA 1)

Ring-necked Duck  (ABA 1)

Greater Scaup  (ABA 1)

Lesser Scaup  (ABA 1)

King Eider  (ABA 1)

Common Eider  (ABA 1)

Harlequin Duck  (ABA 1)

Surf Scoter  (ABA 1)

White-winged Scoter  (ABA 1)

Black Scoter  (ABA 1)

Long-tailed Duck  (ABA 1)

Bufflehead  (ABA 1)