NYCbirds:: Experimental Web Bird Finder

This version: sorted by species order. See sorted by ABA code How this works: I look for matches between a known set of bird names (AOU list) with the short-term archives of bird mailing lists in This does not guarantee that any message is a report of a bird sighting, nor that it is local to the list, so additional confirmation is required.

This is version 0.04 - email lists, RBAs, ABA codes

Updated on: Sat Nov 11 03:01:26 EST 2017

This is version 0.04 - email lists, RBAs, ABA codes

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  (ABA 1)

Bean Goose  (ABA 3)

Pink-footed Goose  (ABA 4)

Greater White-fronted Goose  (ABA 1)

Lesser White-fronted Goose  (ABA 5)

Emperor Goose  (ABA 2)

Snow Goose  (ABA 1)

Ross's Goose  (ABA 1)

Brant  (ABA 1)

Barnacle Goose  (ABA 5)

Canada Goose  (ABA 1)

Mute Swan  (ABA 1)

Trumpeter Swan  (ABA 1)

Tundra Swan  (ABA 1)

Whooper Swan  (ABA 3)

Muscovy Duck  (ABA 3)

Wood Duck  (ABA 1)

Gadwall  (ABA 1)

Falcated Duck  (ABA 4)

Eurasian Wigeon  (ABA 3)

American Wigeon  (ABA 1)

American Black Duck  (ABA 1)

Mallard  (ABA 1)

Mottled Duck  (ABA 1)

Blue-winged Teal  (ABA 1)

Cinnamon Teal  (ABA 1)

Northern Shoveler  (ABA 1)

Northern Pintail  (ABA 1)

Garganey  (ABA 3)

Green-winged Teal  (ABA 1)

Canvasback  (ABA 1)

Redhead  (ABA 1)

Common Pochard  (ABA 3)

Ring-necked Duck  (ABA 1)

Tufted Duck  (ABA 3)

Greater Scaup  (ABA 1)

Lesser Scaup  (ABA 1)

Steller's Eider  (ABA 2)

Spectacled Eider  (ABA 2)

King Eider  (ABA 1)

Common Eider  (ABA 1)

Harlequin Duck  (ABA 1)

Surf Scoter  (ABA 1)

White-winged Scoter  (ABA 1)

Black Scoter  (ABA 1)

Long-tailed Duck  (ABA 1)

Bufflehead  (ABA 1)

Common Goldeneye  (ABA 1)

Barrow's Goldeneye  (ABA 1)

Smew  (ABA 3)

Hooded Merganser  (ABA 1)

Common Merganser  (ABA 1)

Red-breasted Merganser  (ABA 1)

Ruddy Duck  (ABA 1)

Plain Chachalaca  (ABA 2)

Chukar  (ABA 2)

Gray Partridge  (ABA 2)

Ring-necked Pheasant  (ABA 1)

Ruffed Grouse  (ABA 1)

Greater Sage-Grouse  (ABA 1)

Gunnison Sage-Grouse  (ABA 2)

Spruce Grouse  (ABA 2)

Willow Ptarmigan  (ABA 1)

Rock Ptarmigan  (ABA 1)

White-tailed Ptarmigan  (ABA 2)

Dusky Grouse  (ABA 2)

Sooty Grouse  (ABA 2)

Sharp-tailed Grouse  (ABA 2)

Greater Prairie-Chicken  (ABA 2)

Wild Turkey  (ABA 1)

Mountain Quail  (ABA 1)

Scaled Quail  (ABA 1)

California Quail  (ABA 1)

Gambel's Quail  (ABA 1)

Northern Bobwhite  (ABA 1)

Montezuma Quail  (ABA 2)

Red-throated Loon  (ABA 1)

Arctic Loon  (ABA 2)

Pacific Loon  (ABA 1)

Common Loon  (ABA 1)

Yellow-billed Loon  (ABA 2)

Pied-billed Grebe  (ABA 1)

Horned Grebe  (ABA 1)